Hong Kong Cityscapes 香港城市景色 |
The Hong Kong cityscapes explore the dialogue between nature and the urban environment – their proximity, their wrestle for space, yet their ability to co-exist. They carry juxtapositions of heterogeneous elements: mountains springing up between urban areas, old village houses next to high rise apartments, and roads winding between buildings and hills. The elevated views also guide us to reflect on the system and structure of a place by showing how everything fits together. At the same time, the grandeur of the landscapes also humbles us into realizing that we are one small joint in a web of connections. Choosing locations around her everyday life in urban Hong Kong, Claire contemplates the spaces that unfold above, below and around her, compressing multiple perspectives onto a single canvas.
在城市景色系列中,漢澄探討香港城市的系統和架構。城市 景色裏有時候野林處處,有時卻綠草難求。畫家到自己熟悉的地方觀察,把上下左右的廣角空間,壓縮在一畫布的平面之上。這一種重新審視的方式,也許有助我們 重建這一段疏離了的關係。
在城市景色系列中,漢澄探討香港城市的系統和架構。城市 景色裏有時候野林處處,有時卻綠草難求。畫家到自己熟悉的地方觀察,把上下左右的廣角空間,壓縮在一畫布的平面之上。這一種重新審視的方式,也許有助我們 重建這一段疏離了的關係。